CELEBRATE RECOVERY at Bridgeport UMC offers a safe place for all. Celebrate Recovery is a place where folks can relax, and focus on solutions to all of life's challenges. Those solutions come through our faith in Christ. Celebrate Recovery provides us God-given tools and principles to live by.
CR Bridgeport is an engaging service opportunity. With exciting contemporary worship and weekly testimonies or lessons, many come to find Wednesday evenings as their reprieve from the daily pressures of our culture and lives.
Celebrate Recovery is not just for substance use issues. In fact, that is the minority. If you struggle with bad habits, worry, depression, anger, resentment, or any of life's issues that pull us from our God-given potential, then CR is right for you.
Come check out Celebrate Recovery - you'll be glad that you did.
CELEBRATE RECOVERY at Bridgeport UMC offers a safe place for all. Celebrate Recovery is a place where folks can relax, and focus on solutions to all of life's challenges. Those solutions come through our faith in Christ. Celebrate Recovery provides us God-given tools and principles to live by.
CR Bridgeport is an engaging service opportunity. With exciting contemporary worship and weekly testimonies or lessons, many come to find Wednesday evenings as their reprieve from the daily pressures of our culture and lives.
Celebrate Recovery is not just for substance use issues. In fact, that is the minority. If you struggle with bad habits, worry, depression, anger, resentment, or any of life's issues that pull us from our God-given potential, then CR is right for you.
Come check out Celebrate Recovery - you'll be glad that you did.
CELEBRATE RECOVERY at Bridgeport UMC offers a safe place for all. Celebrate Recovery is a place where folks can relax, and focus on solutions to all of life's challenges. Those solutions come through our faith in Christ. Celebrate Recovery provides us God-given tools and principles to live by.
CR Bridgeport is an engaging service opportunity. With exciting contemporary worship and weekly testimonies or lessons, many come to find Wednesday evenings as their reprieve from the daily pressures of our culture and lives.
Celebrate Recovery is not just for substance use issues. In fact, that is the minority. If you struggle with bad habits, worry, depression, anger, resentment, or any of life's issues that pull us from our God-given potential, then CR is right for you.
Come check out Celebrate Recovery - you'll be glad that you did.

Bridgeport United Methodist Church offers many different missions and ministries for a diverse, and growing congregation. We believe our greatest service to our Lord is giving witness to our faith. Here are some key groups that live out their faith through a myriad of missions and ministries. The best way to start is to simply start showing up...God will direct your steps from there. Don't hesitate to speak to a Pastor about any of these opportunities.
Bible Studies & Life Groups
Bridgeport UMC offers a wide range of Bible Study and Life Groups for adults. Classes are formed to meet a wide range of demographics, life stages, and needs.
9:30 am - Friends and Family Sunday School Class (Parlor)
9:30 am - Bread of Life Sunday School Class (Library)
7:00am - AA Morning Meditation (Johnson Ave)
7:00am - AA Morning Meditation (Johnson Ave)
6:30pm - Revive Recovery Small Groups (Johnson Ave)
10:15am - Lectionary Bible Study (Library)
7:00pm - Pastor's Bible Study (Sanctuary Overflow)
7:00am - AA Morning Meditation (Johnson Ave)
8:30 am - Sisters Women's Bible Study (Fowler Heritage Room)
Youth Ministries
Bridgeport UMC offers Sunday School classes on Sunday mornings and an exciting Sunday evenings youth experience for Mid and Senior High students. Led by a dynamic team of leaders, youth experience and learn vital lessons of our Faith, and witness to their Faith through many different missions projects throughout the year. BUMC also provides youth choir opportunities. Much is happening so our youth can stay engaged with one another and grow in their Christian walk.
Our Current Sunday Evening Schedule is as follows:
4:30-5:30 pm - Senior High Youth (Youth Room in Education Building)
5:30-6:00 pm - Seraphim Youth Choir (Fellowship Hall Stage)
6:00-7:00 pm - Middle School Youth (Youth Room in Education Building)
7:00-7:30 pm - Youth Bell Choir (Balcony)
BUMC also provides youth choir opportunities. Much is happening so our youth can stay engaged with one another and grow in their Christian walk.
If you are interested in more information about our youth, you may contact our Director of Youth Ministries, Joe Starkey.
United Women in Faith
Through the United Women in Faith circles, the women live out their mission: “To know God and to experience freedom as a whole person through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.”
Organized by age and interest, United Women in Faith circles meet regularly and undertake various service projects. Members also work together to hold an annual Fall Rummage Sale for missions and outreach projects.
The following subgroups are active:
Sisters Bible Study - Fridays - 8:30 am (Fowler Heritage Room)
Lydia Circle - First Monday of the Month - 10:30 am (Library)
Proverbs 31 Circle - First Monday of the Month - 7:00 pm (Johnson Avenue)
Esther/Ruth Circle - First Tuesday of the Month - 10:30 am (Bride's Room)
General meetings are held quarterly in the church Fellowship Hall.
All ladies are welcome to get involved.
United Methodist Men
We meet the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall at the Johnson Avenue Campus. We seek to know Jesus Christ, to grow spiritually and to seek daily His will. Thus it is our misison to assist men to know Jesus Christ, so others can know Christ.
Our purpose is to make and engage men to be disciples of Jesus Christ and enable them to grow spiritually for the transformation of the world as given to us in the “The Great Commission.” We are active in several mission projects to support our Youth and Community.